Figma for Edu @ ISTE 2023 / Sparks

Figma for Edu reached out to Sparks to create their 20x40 booth at ISTE 2023. As lead 3D designer, I went through 8 distinct concepts with the client and multiple revisions until we landed on one that fit the recently updated brand and their moderate budget. In the deck below you can see the final concept and “control drawings” (a term used at Sparks to denote rough dimmed drawings for estimating before doing final production-quality engineering drawings) as well as an archive of the seven other unique concept designs. 2D graphics by Min Kim.

Figma for Edu @ TCEA 2024 / Sparks

Figma for Edu returned to Sparks for their booth at TCEA 2024. Having had a successful booth at ISTE, we employed a similar design in a 30x30 space with further reductions in components to fit their smaller budget.