Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera

I had to drop quite a few projects from my portfolio. However there is some work I still wanted to show but didn’t have a tidy project or category for them. Here’s a selection of paintings, sculpture, model-making, and performance design.
Thanks for looking through my portfolio!

Virtual Plein Air - 1 hour
Virtual Plein Air - 1 hour
Virtual Plein Air - 1 hour
Virtual Plein Air - 1 hour
Virtual Plein Air - 1 hour
Virtual Plein Air - 1 hour
Virtual Plein Air - 1 hour
Smokey Bear ZBrush Sculpt
Nixon in China by John Adams (music) and Alice Goodman (libretto)
Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen
In the Jungle of Cities by Bertolt Brecht
Death and the King's Horseman by Wole Soyinka
The Me Nobody Knows by Gary William Friedman (music) and Will Holt (lyrics)